What is CancerScars? S.C.A.R.S. - Surviving Cancer Am Really Scared | Help - Hope - Inspiration | Kidney Cancer Awareness


Tumor Size: As big as a racquetball

Kidney Cancer Awareness is on the rise! Founded on October 5, 2012 by Kidney Cancer Survivor Brian Kappus, CancerScars.org is a resource  designed to help anyone that is a cancer survivor, or anyone that is fighting cancer or knows someone who is.

Hi, I'm Brian and I want you to know that I have walked and ran in some pretty heavy shoes. I understand the reality of what you or someone you know is dealing with, and I want to help. I was diagnosed with Kidney Cancer in 2011 at the age of 46, and a random abdominal ultrasound is what detected it. That simple, painless, inexpensive abdominal ultrasound may have just saved my life. It certainly prevented me from having to undergo chemo therapy, and because it was detected so early, it prevented the spread to my other organs.

I recently celebrated 8 years as a survivor and although I remain 100% cancer free, I will never be 100% healed from the scars that are left behind. I am reminded by my scar how lucky I truly am and understand that there are those that aren't as fortunate. My goal is to continue to raise awareness about abdominal ultrasounds, and how this one act may be the one that saves your life. Will you please support my efforts and purchase your "I COMMIT" wristband? The money raised will be used to raise awareness by supporting the National Kidney Foundation and giving to others.





Kidney Cancer Awareness

I began running Marathons in 2013 to help raise Kidney Cancer Awareness and the need for routine annual abdominal ultrasounds. Our local Fox station featured a story about me after my last run in March of 2015.

“Fox 10 News Interview” I RAN A MARATHON WITHOUT TRAINING! #bks262 March 2015

I found the first year to be the hardest. There's a bunch of unknowns and some scary stuff to deal with. That's how I came up with CancerScars, with SCARS implying, "Surviving Cancer Am Really Scared". I understand that we have no way of knowing what is around the corner, all WE know is that Cancer leaves Scars in many, many different forms, regardless of how positive you remain.

I'm using this website and my blog as a way to share my story, ask for help by supporting our wristband "I Commit" campaign, and maybe, just maybe, to give Help, Hope, and Inspiration to you and others.

The one thing I hope you take away from your time on this site is to remember that you do not need to feel as though you are alone. You are not. CancerScars.org is committed to helping you find the support you need. Browse around using the links above and if do not find what you are looking for, contact us directly using the Request Information Form accessible here.