What’s Ahead in 2020?

Brian Kappus
Love To All ~ BK
Brian Kappus – 2019

December 26, 2019 – Looking ahead to 2020: What a year 2019 has been. Actually, what a Decade this has been. Considering I started off the 2010 Decade facing Cancer square in the face, I wasn’t even certain if I would make it another 10 years. In 2011, I began living day-by-day. As short-term as that seems, I really had to get a grip on the reality of what I was facing. Uncertainty. That’s what it was. Now that I’ve come to terms with what I am dealing with, let me share with you my plans for 2020 and beyond!

I have learned a lot the past 10 years, 8 of them dealing with this “uncertainty.” Knowing now that living my life in this way was necessary back then, but I have come to realize that I was limiting myself on “Living”, thus I have a whole new focus for 2020. 

In 2019, through some corporate events, I got to know the folks at the National Kidney Foundation of Arizona, and I began educating myself on what they really do, and becoming more familiar with the programs they fund and support.

After seeing the good they do, let me tell you, I am “All In” when it comes to supporting the National Kidney Foundation of Arizona. This past year has led me to become heavily involved with the Foundation, and giving my time and helping raise money and awareness has been very fulfilling. I ask for your support, donate on my behalf, to benefit the National Kidney Foundation of Arizona, and help fund these important programs.

I am and will remain vigilant in 2020 on sharing my story and reminding others to take the action of getting an Annual Abdominal Ultrasound through my I Commit campaign. 

Through this campaign you can make a donation and receive reminder wristbands to share with family and friends. Also, I will be involved in a number of events in 2020, helping raise awareness and funding for the National Kidney Foundation of Arizona. Will you please consider a gift?

Here are some upcoming events:

February 8 – 2020 – Marathon #8 #bks262 – The Sprouts Mesa Marathon

I’ll be lacing up the shoes once again on Saturday, February 8, 2020 and making my way to the finish line 26.2 miles away. More info here!

February 29 – 2020 – Celebrity Dancing With The Stars Arizona 2020 #dwsaz20

Have you ever answered yes to something before you understood the reason behind the question? Well I answered “Yes” to the question: “Hey Brian, have you ever considered Ball Room Dancing?” I answered yes, it was actually a bucket list item, and oh boy… I am now a Celebrity Dancer appearing on February 29, 2020 on Dancing With The Stars Arizona 2020! #dwsaz20 Please donate and better yet, come sit at my table and support me. An Evening in Eden, February 29, 2020 – JW Marriott Phoenix Desert Ridge Resort & Spa from 6-11 pm.

March 1, 2020 – Tokyo Marathon 2020.

I was chosen as one of 6 International Employees to participate in the Tokyo 2020 Marathon. Due to a scheduling conflict with the Dancing With The Stars Arizona 2020 happening the night before, I am unable to attend. What a thrill that would have been! I’m hopeful to have an opportunity in 2021 to have a chance to participate.

April 19 – 2020 – Team Captain – National Kidney Foundation Kidney Walk – Phoenix – Join Team Phoenix in 2020

#bks262 #moretime
Team Konica Minolta – Phoenix. Photo Credit: National Kidney Foundation of Arizona. April 2019
#bks262 #moretime
Team Konica Minolta – Phoenix Photo Credit: National Kidney Foundation of Arizona April 2019

On short notice, we assembled a small but mighty team in 2019 raising just over $2,100 as the Konica Minolta Business Solutions Team Phoenix. We walked around State Farm Stadium as part of the National Kidney Walk to raise money for dialysis transportation and other programs. We will look to increase our participation from last year as we put together our Phoenix Team for April 19, 2020. Interested in joining? Send an email to bkappus@cancerscars.org and let me know and I’ll make sure you’re included in the correspondence as we begin to pull the team together. Thank you for your support!

The walk was a success for the National Kidney Foundation of Arizona, surpassing the City goal. Thank you to all of those that participated and sponsored and gave your time and money.

October – 2020 – National Kidney Foundation – Camp Counselor

In October 2019, I visited Camp Kidney as a guest along with a couple of fellow dancers from Celebrity Dancing With The Stars Arizona, 2020 and fellow NKF Konica Minolta Golf Classic Committee Members, and NKF of Arizona Staff and Friends. In October 2020, I will be volunteering as a Camp Counselor! I am excited beyond belief!

Welcome To Camp Kidney – Brian Kappus – Prescott, Arizona – October, 2019. Photo Credit: Carrie Evans Photography, National Kidney Foundation of Arizona
Camp Kidney Staff and Guests – Shadow Pines Camp – Prescott, Arizona October, 2019. Photo Credit: Carrie Evans Photography, National Kidney Foundation of Arizona

You can read more about Camp Kidney below. This program is AWESOME!

November – 2020 – NKF Konica Minolta Golf Classic – Phoenix, Arizona – National Qualifier for Pebble Beach Championship

I volunteered to sit on the National Kidney Foundation Konica Minolta Golf Classic Committee for the National  Finals Qualifier held on November 22, 2019 at Whirlwind Golf Club at Wild Horse Pass.  The event was a huge success, I even took the microphone as the Master of Ceremony. Quite an honor and a privilege for me. We had a great turnout, raising money for the National Kidney Foundation of Arizona. 

Brian Kappus. Master of Ceremony. Photo Credit: Carrie Evans Photography, National Kidney Foundation of Arizona. November, 2019

To my Friends and Family that donated and participated in the event, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support. I look forward to growing the event for 2020! Interest in sponsoring or playing in 2020, email me at bkappus@cancerscars.org.

Fellow Golfing Friends. Photo Credit Carrie Evans Photography, The National Kidney Foundation of Arizona. From Left: Mark Hermes, Jim Wolf, John Hermes, Ryan Nance – 2nd Place Gross. Center: Brian Kappus, NKF Konica Minolta Golf Classic Master of Ceremony.

2019 has been a year to remember and as I say goodbye to the 2010’s, I am so fortunate and excited for 2020 and beyond. Watch for an exciting announcement in January 2020 about partnering with The National Kidney Foundation of Arizona to continue help raise money and awareness for not only Kidney Disease, but Kidney Cancer Awareness as well!

I hope you will join me on my journey as I roll into 2020 with a head of steam and with NO UNCERTAINTY about what I’m doing and why!

~ Love to All..