Soul Mates


Could it be that I have always known you,
If even from a different life?
Or could it be that fate has touched me,
And filled my soul with yours?

For it seems as though I know you,
Just as well as I know myself.
I know your thoughts, your dreams, and your secrets.
I know your fears are the same as mine.

The fear of opening up and letting someone get close to you.
The fear of being hurt again and again.
The fear of rejection.
The fear of being alone.

When I touch your skin,
I feel as though I am touching my own.
When I look into your eyes,
It is as though I am looking into a mirror.

Are we that much alike?
Are we that much different?
There is a reason why our lives feel as though we are one.
It is simple. It is clear.

We are soul mates.
That is the reason for our unity.
How do I calm my fears?
By knowing that you are my Soul Mate.

Although our souls were separated at birth,
Through fate and the thousands of choices,
Right or wrong that we have made in our lives,
We have found each other and now it is up to us
To continue this life, not alone, but together,

As Soul Mates.

~ Brian Kappus – May 2003



Have you ever stopped to wonder, what could have been?
What would have happened had you chose the other end?
Had you chose the other option, where would you be today,
Had chose the other option, what things would have gone away?

Each day you’re faced with choices, some are so easily made,
However some are made more carelessly, with no attention being paid.
Choices change your life’s direction, and only leaves to guess,
Was the path you chose, the choice you made, actually the best?

For unless you had a magic cube or even a crystal ball,
There’s no reason to wonder about your choice at all.
You can’t go back and change your choice and do it all again,
So focus on what’s happening now not what happened then.

However, learn from your mistakes and make sure you stop and think
Because each choice you make can determine whether you will sail or sink.
If you notice that your world is starting to turn upside down
Examine the choices that you’ve made and make sure you turn it around.

These choices may last you through many different years,
Some will bring much happiness and some will even bring tears.
There are tears of joy and tears of sorrow,
One thing is for certain, there’s always tomorrow.

So before you make an impromptu choice,
Make sure you listen to your inner voice,
Because this choice you make, this turn you take,
Will forever haunt you if you later realize your choice was a mistake.

By: Brian Kappus – November, 2001