I Commit

Annual Abdominal Ultrasound I Commit Wristband

Annual Abdominal Ultrasound I Commit Wristband

I wanted a better way to help others remember to get their annual ultrasound. I created the "I Commit" campaign as a way for anyone to purchase a wristband to serve as their reminder to do so. There is also a "sign-up for annual reminder" at purchase for which a reminder email will be sent annually.

Annual Abdominal Ultrasound I Commit Wristband

Purchase wristbands now!

Give to family and friends!


Do me a personal favor and purchase your Annual Abdominal Ultrasound I Commit Wristband and say "I Commit" to helping raise awareness for Kidney Cancer and choose the option to receive your annual reminder for your abdominal ultrasound. Buy some for your friends and family too!

I am living proof that early detection works. Remember, that's how they discovered my Kidney Cancer, an abdominal ultrasound, saved my life. My Annual Abdominal Ultrasound I Commit Wristband can serve as your reminder. Based on your age, family history and a lot of other factors, maybe you don't need an annual ultrasound; but then again at an average cost of $75.00 dollars, why take the risk? If you've read anything about me [see BK's Story], you'll know that I had no symptoms other than what I thought was a pulled rib cage muscle.

My Annual Abdominal Ultrasound I Commit Wristband and my annual email will help keep Kidney Cancer Awareness top of mind. Each time you look at this wristband you will be reminded that this really did happen to someone that you know. I know of one other person that my message of an annual ultrasound helped save her life. Knowing that, it makes me happy. I want to help others and I need your help to do so. Cancer Scars in may different ways, and this is my way of giving Help, Hope and Inspiration on wristband at a time. Take the pledge. Commit today!

 Kidney Cancer Awareness Annual Abdominal Ultrasound I Commit Wristband

I personally designed this wristband and each word has meaning behind it.

  • #bks262 - The use of #bks262 is my means of connecting people across social media. Use this hashtag on all social media platforms when sharing your story or pictures.
  • I Commit - There are those that do and those that don't. Those that will and those that won't. Which camp do you fall in?

Did you know that on average an abdominal ultrasound will cost you $75.00? Most imaging facilities will take appointments without a physician referral. HOWEVER, I do recommend that you talk to your primary care physician about this. Heck, show them my story!