My 5 Year Count Up


All Business, hardly.

Today, October 5, 2014, I surpass my 3rd year and now I’m rolling into year 4. What am I referring to? Survival Rate Count Up. October 5, 2014 represents 3 years of being a Kidney Cancer Survivor. It also represents a narrowing of the survival rate gap. 75% of men diagnosed with Kidney Cancer survive for 5 years. The remaining 25% is what has my attention. See, I didn’t fit the typical male that gets diagnosed with Kidney Cancer, so why should I expect to fit the typical survival rate category? In late 2011, I was just approaching my 46th birthday when I got the news. Typically men get Kidney Cancer in their 70’s, not their 40’s; which may explain the shortened survival rate. The real problem is, there just isn’t a ton of data on younger guys that get Kidney Cancer and what that survival rate is. Standford University, as well as the Kidney Cancer Organization, are working on gathering data but it’s a timed process.

As part of that data collection, in 2011, I was asked to participate in a research study being conducted by Stanford School of Medicine. I have remained active in the study and am hopeful that some light will be shed as the years go by. So, I’m counting up to that 5th year so I can transition into the 75% bucket.

I appreciate all of the Love and support from my family and friends and every year is a better year for me. Here are some highlights of what I have been able to enjoy since 2011.

~ Watching my beautiful Daughter, Megan, grow and become an awesome young woman (She’s now 19)
~ Completed 2 Marathons (2013 & 2014 Phoenix Marathon). Yes, I will probably run the 2015.
~ Met an amazing Woman, Kristie and her two girls, Nikki and Sydni
~ Celebrated my best buddy’s 50th birthday
~ Held another buddy’s (Eric and Nichole’s) newborn baby

Am I on borrowed time? I don’t know, but I do know that I enjoy each day, even the bad ones, and I know I take more notice of the little things in life, or appreciate them more is what I mean.

I’m currently involved in helping plan my surprise 50th birthday party as I prepare to reach that milestone on November 25th.

I know there are others fighting Cancer out there that have not had the good fortune I have had. I still haven’t figured out why I’m deserving of the things that I have, I just know I appreciate the hell out of them.

Here’s to making a difference 1by1 and continuing the count up to year 5.

Love to All..

~ bk